Copywriting: One-Sheet Marketing Leaflet
AptiPortal Web Service (Internal Marketing Leaflet) Summer 2012 Copy/Design (Writer/Desktop publishing August 2012) If the document does not appear in the Google Embed, you can access it here.
AptiPortal Web Service (Internal Marketing Leaflet) Summer 2012 Copy/Design (Writer/Desktop publishing August 2012) If the document does not appear in the Google Embed, you can access it here.
War’s insurgency against language published September 9, 2012 Copy (Writer September 2012) If the document does not appear in the Google Embed, you can access it here.
You can access all your work computer files from home or on the road, via a new, inexpensive, high-speed network Center News, October 16, 2003 If the document does not appear in the Google Embed, you can access it here.
Starting this month, PureMessage will filter and reduce your daily deluge of incoming, unwanted e-mail Center News, March 4, 2004 If the document does not appear in the Google Embed, you can access it here.
Scientists increasingly rely on the Internet as a research tool, but misuse increases center costs Center News, March 18, 2004 If the document does not appear in the Google Embed, you can access it here.
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